Rehabilitation Project & Cleaning Project
Rehabilitation Project & Cleaning Project
In 2004 many of districts were badly affected by the Tsunami. Galle and Matara are two districts badly affected. HELP‐O implemented cleanup program with the affected people and we able to rebuild their minds for a positive way and this is psychosocial program activity. Cleaning the city was very essential and necessary task that we had to undertake prior to start relief and rehabilitation programs.
We have organized a cleaning program with a large number of employees to secure the health of the people and to rehabilitate people who are affected by Tsunami. This performance was helped people to initiate their rehabilitation and assisted other organizations to work in the cleaned areas. This program was funded by USAID OTI. It was a great opportunity for affected people to have an income for their survival after the disaster as this was a “Cash for Work” project. There are about 16,000 people employed in the project.
Awareness program on,
- Marketing Strategies
- Book keeping and managing their day to day finances
- Invention of new products
- Savings System
- Expand the business
- Marketing of sales items and presentation
- How to get loans and repay them?
People will receive tool kit to restart their livelihood only after successfully completing those trainings. Another special procedure that HELP‐O undertake is “follows up” after donation. 50% of the values people have received for their livelihood have to be repaid to the small savings group that we have formed. They will be able to take loans for their livelihood development or housing necessary.
We also involved forming Street vendors Association in Galle city and distributing tool kits for them to develop their businesses. Street vendors Association have been conducting weekly meetings in their business place to discuss their issues and needs. HELP‐O also assists to conduct an exhibition in order to introduce International Market for everyone who receives aid from HELP‐O.
We are seeking to expand this program for other districts too. Handicraft makers who benefited by livelihood projects is being instructed to form the “Handicraft Association”. Local and International buyers are capable of ordering crafts through this Association, so that they can ensure the quality of the products.