Making Galle City Plastic Waste – Free

General video The plastic waste crisis requires both global action and initiatives at the local level. These videos spotlight the inspiring outcomes of three pilot projects implemented in Galle City, Sri Lanka. Funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and facilitated by the BRS Secretariat, the pilots were carried out by the Ministry…

Making Galle City Plastic Waste – Free

 School Sector Video The plastic waste crisis requires both global action and initiatives at the local level. These videos spotlight the inspiring outcomes of three pilot projects implemented in Galle City, Sri Lanka. Funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and facilitated by the BRS Secretariat, the pilots were carried out by the…

Making Galle City Plastic Waste – Free

Fishing Sector Video The plastic waste crisis requires both global action and initiatives at the local level. These videos spotlight the inspiring outcomes of three pilot projects implemented in Galle City, Sri Lanka. Funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and facilitated by the BRS Secretariat, the pilots were carried out by the…

Making Galle City Plastic Waste – Free project

#Tourism Sector video The plastic waste crisis requires both global action and initiatives at the local level. These videos spotlight the inspiring outcomes of three pilot projects implemented in Galle City, Sri Lanka. Funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and facilitated by the BRS Secretariat, the pilots were carried out by the…

Making Galle City Plastic Waste Free

“Making Galle City Plastic Waste Free” is an ongoing project that addresses plastic waste challenges at the global, national, and local levels. Jointly led by the Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka, the United Nations Environment Program – Basel Convention  (UNEP – BRS), the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS Secretariat), the IGES…

Collaborative Action for the Clean City of Galle

The “Collaborative Action for the Clean City of Galle” project is an ongoing initiative focused on achieving a cleaner and more environmentally sustainable Galle City in Sri Lanka. This project is under the guidance and supervision of the Galle Municipal Council and is being implemented as part of the ‘Clean Cities-Blue Ocean’ (CCBO)program, which is…