Community Biogas Program
- Community Biogas Program
HELP‐O has implemented many environment programs. After end of this program, we implemented the second phase of waste management program through this. We are constructing biogas plants in village wise. Dustbins were distributed areas previous project. Through this program we constructed 09 biogas plants. We constructed 12m³ unit that can dump 100 K.G per day from this biogas plant. This unit provides biogas for 05 houses. The capacity is 22 m³ constructed biogas for the “Mahamodara” teaching hospital.
From this project we could aware the community about important of sorting waste. Before this program, waste didn’t have a value. Community used to dump the waste at the road sides, they collected it to dump biogas plant. The best thing is waste has a market now. Through this program we can decrease the village waste inside of the village. All beneficiaries pay Rs.500 per every month to People’s Company from that money we have planned to construct more biogas plants and expand our program to various places.
Collected money only uses to construct more biogas plants in various areas. This program is Public Private Partnership Program that implements Central Environment Authority (CEA), Galle Municipal Council, and the People’s Movement. They are the main stake holders of the program. In the past, the total waste collection of the city was 55 tons but now it has decreased to 25 tons per day.
One of the best products of the biogas unit is Organic Compost Manure. This automatically comes from the biogas unit. This is highly effective for cultivation. At this moment we have printed a label and it has a market value. The organic compost bottles sell Rs.50.00 and this is of good income for the village people’s company branch. We have enough requests for this compost manure from the cultivators. Even people started organic agriculture in many places.
Now people are using this extra energy for their cooking purposes. Many people have started new self-employments from this support because they could able to get biogas energy for a low price. We implemented this program with Public Private Partnership (PPP) program and we could able to expand this with the people’s movement that we formed before. We established an environment fund to expand this program in the future according to that every beneficiary should pay Rs.500 every month for getting biogas except the land donated person for constructing the biogas unit. On the other hand, this is a good solution for the grass root level community because they could able to get energy for a low price.