Housing Project for Upgrade the Living Conditions
Housing Project for Upgrade the Living Conditions
We have been constructing about 29 new houses in Galle district for homeless families who have affected due to the tsunami disaster. We are oriented the affected people who don’t have land or property ownership. Government and Some Non-Government Organizations have been providing houses for some affected people. Nonresidential house owners, whose houses were destroyed, will receive houses. But people, who didn’t have their own land and destroyed their rented house by the disaster, will not receive houses.
Therefore, we hope to assist that homeless people by providing them house and the land. The land also will be given to the beneficiaries on loan basis. The value of the land will be used as the revolving fund in the community through savings group. The funds of the land will be used in the future among saving groups that we have formed, for providing housing loan.
Japanese Housing Association, ACHR also assists to purchase a land. This land will be used to construct about 29 houses. These 29 houses will be constructed by HELP‐O with the sponsorship of ANPAS.
Extent of the land……………131.40 perches
No of Houses…………………29
No of families………………..35 Plan, estimates and design of houses would prepare with the beneficiaries. The construction is taking place under the supervision of HELP‐O. Only labors are contracted, raw materials have been providing to the site. There are some spaces to construct more houses