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Environment Conservation


HELP-O implemented many programs for climate change adaptation or mitigation programs. In 2004 started first biogas unit at Karapitiya Teaching Hospital and it was the Asia’s First Biogas unit and it is function. It was a real challenge to implement biogas unit at hospital and with base of that HELP-O could developed sustainable process in many sectors. It could expand to community biogas, industrial biogas, and domestic biogas concepts. This concept was significantly developed by the technical team of HELP-O and highly affected to minimize methane gas emission.

We have many years’ experience about biogas construction field. The first biogas unit we have implemented in Karapitiya Hospital in year 2004 from, that day we implemented biogas units in different sectors as follows: 

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Domestic level

Community level

Hospital sector

Local Forces camp

Hotel sector & factories


Government offices

Municipal Council & Urban Council

Religious places

Market places

Industrial Level

Research Level

Make Galle Bio Energy City

Galle is the capital city of the Southern Province and it has an ancient history and this is filling with many natural resources. Many organization has been constructed many biogas units in Galle city and many people are using the biogas for their daily use.  HELP‐O and GMC has jointly implement program for Make Galle Clean and Green Bio Energy City because we implement and conducting many biogas units and waste management programs in the city even many other organizations also implement this kind of programs.

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MAS Holding Koggala
MAS Holdings converted into eco-friendly process and stated waste management program in factory. Able to minimize methane generation and managed the generated waste. In the year 2013 constructed biogas unit with 22m3 capacity. Use for boiling water and other purposes. Was Conducted several awareness programs for the management and for the workers for proper implementation. Several technical adjustments were made in the biogas unit for increasing the efficiency. Downloads!

Sri Lankan Air Lines - Katunayaka, Sri Lanka
There was a huge problem about organic waste of Sri Lankan Airline. Waste carrying process was not success and faced many difficulties. Therefore HELP-O able to solved this massive issue and minimizes the methane gas emission. Methane gas converted into usable energy source. Constructed 35m3 biogas unit. Organization conduct awareness programs as well about proper maintenance. Produce 5.2m3 methane gas usually and methane gas use for boiling water. Downloads!

Youth Centre
One of major place is for youth development in Sri Lanka. They had to face a critical issue of waste. The perishable waste was the huge problem and there was no proper solution to dispose correctly. Not even that energy consumption was very high and needed sustain solution. Therefore was constructed 22m3 biogas unit at 2013. Hence, they got huge benefits. The most important thing is they could recover the spend cost by saving LP Gas. Downloads!

Evergreen Tea Factory - Talgaswala, Galle, Sri Lanka
One of large scale factory locates in Galle District and daily collected huge amount of waste. On the other hand waste became one of very critical issue for the factory and able to implement biogas unit at their factory. 35m3 biogas unit constructed their factory in 2012 now use biogas for cooking purpose in the factory. HELP-O conducted many awareness programs for the management and for the staff of the factory. Downloads!

Kalpitiya Navy Camp - Ellueankulama
Place – Kalpitiya Navy Camp
Location – Elluwankulama
Year of Implemented - 2014
Capacity of Biogas - 45m3
Contact No - Dr Duminda – 0772517160 For more details – Video Documentary The Island's HELP – O hand in setting-up standards for bio-gas plants Downloads!

Fonterra Brands Lanka (Private) Limited
In Pannala area constructed biogas unit for Fonterra Brands Lanka Company. The main purpose of the biogas unit was boiling water for washing cows before milk feeding. It was one of major necessary thing of the company. Biogas unit reached the highest technical improvement in here to gain maximum efficiency. The raw material for biogas feeding was cow dung of farm. Downloads!


Karapitiya Teaching Hospital Biogas Program
This is the first biogas unit that constructed in a hospital AISA. In order to address the massive problem of unsystematic disposal of solid waste in Karapitiya Hospital’s inability to address this problem, the doctors refused to work in the hospital.
HELP-O took the initiative to find a solution for the waste problem. As a result of that a Bio‐gas plant was initiated. Normally hospital could save more than Rs.40, 000 monthly by reducing the LP Gas consumption. As a result of this project, the hospital is now experiencing the benefits of the bio‐gas plant.
* Bio-chemicals is been used to produce bio‐gas.
* Plastics and polythene is been sold for recycling.
* Organic garbage is been used for fertilizer.

This program benefits to reduce the wastage issues in “Karapitiya” Hospital. Thus, they save 4 cylinders fuel that used in hospital kitchen and use bio‐gas instead of it. Through this biogas unit hospital can earn money from cooking previously they used LP Gas they use this extra energy for their daily requirement. This was a total solution for the waste problem of the hospital now Hospital earns from the throwing waste. The program sponsored by USEAP. Downloads!

HELP‐O has implemented many environment programs before we done program to sort the waste house wise after end this program we implemented the second phase of waste management program through this we are constructing biogas plants in village wise those villages are dustbins distributed areas previous project. Through this program we are constructing 09 biogas plants. We are construct 12m³ that can dump 100 K.G per day from this biogas plant we can provide biogas for 05 houses. The capacity is 22 m³ constructed biogas for “Mahamodara” teaching hospital. Read more!  Downloads!

HELP‐O started new program within the grass root level that is home gardening with base of Biogas unit. At the beginning level started this in Totagamuwa under the USAID SARI Energy program we constructed biogas unit in Totagamuwa area. As the second stage of that we are carrying organic cultivation. The program is totally community based. Now that program expanded to many places with base of the Biogas units. Now many of house wives started the cultivation with using the organic manure of the biogas. HELP‐O promoted the organic cultivation through
*Domestic Level
*Community Level
*Industrial Level
*School Level Read more!    Downloads!

During the last few decades HELP-O could implement many tree planting programs. The first program implemented under UNDP SGP GEF grant and second tree planting program implemented under USAID SARI ENERGY Program. The first program implemented in 1994 and second program implemented on 2010. When HELP-O implemented second program could develop city level program. It is called Make Galle Clean and Green Energy City. It was one of significant thing in HELP-O to convert organization into city level program. Under this component have been conducted many awareness programs, campaigns, experience exchange programs implemented. Not even that able to construct many biogas units in city level where highly waste generate areas. Downloads!

“Our Bio Diversity is Our Life”
Amid growing concern over urban pollution in cities across Sri Lanka, there is a dire need for active based environmental education targeting young students. In response and under the auspices of City Net Yokohama, a programme to bring unique learning and lifelong environmental awareness in students between the ages of 8 –12 years was conducted over a two year period. Read more!   Downloads!

Community Based Solid Waste management in China Garden - Pilot Project (2016 -2018)
With the experience of Yokohama City, CITYNET-Yokohama Project Office and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Galle City and the HELP-O have been implementing a community-based solid waste management project to achieve waste free city in Galle. The main objectives of the project are: It’s a program with involve with all related stakeholders in Galle city for waste management. Under this provided two recycle bags for perishable and nonperishable waste.   Downloads!

Aiming to Aware the Galle City people, the cleaning program and Awareness campaign were launched in the Galle City with fort area for waste management project. And also we organized two activities such as,
* An awareness campaign (Walk)
* Beach clean-up program near the sea bath area in Galle fort.
60 volunteers was participated those activities. Several companies got the partnership and sponsored to this program. These organizations sponsored those things.     Downloads!

Project Code Number – DAI 648
We along with USAID/OTI have set up a program in Galle City to find a solution for Solid Waste management in the city with the corporation of Galle Municipal Council.
Tsunami Recovery – Waste management through Clean – Up Galle program was focused on “Cleaning – Up” the Galle district and helping the local authorities and citizenry of Galle to establish systems and techniques in order to ensure their waste is disposed in a hygienic and environmentally friendly way. Read more!     Downloads!

Project Number - DAIC537
This grant will fund the technical validation for repair and rehablitation of one mosquito control unit, two community health centers and one public toilet complex in the Galle Four Gravets Division Of the Galle District, which were damaged by the 2004 Asian tunami. This validation will provide accurate information for follow up construction and will assess the sites of the damaged infrastruture and provide a detailed plan, rated bill of quantities, material flow chartt, and a time line for renovation. This activity, which was identified by citizens and local authorities as a priority need, will anable the grantee to coordinate the repair and rehablitation of damaged public health centers and toilet complexes. Read more!  Downloads!

Project Name – Solid waste management in Dharmapala Children Park in Galle.
This project funds donated by USAID.
Since the Municipal Council has faced the garbage management, they are assisted to reduce the problem. Therefore, a mini-bioweeper is being built in the gardens for garbage collection. This is being constructed by a trained team of professionals.     Downloads!

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